Bible Marking Guide

1 resource

New Bible Marking Studies Guide By Pastor Justin Lawman

Published 19 May 2023 Justin Lawman


Bible Marking

An explanation of how to use these studies can be found on the following page. These Bible

studies are designed as a “chain reference” Bible marking series. This means that each study

focuses on one theme or teaching, and then explores the topic through a variety of Bible

verses. Bible marking is a good way to learn the Bible, and is also known as the “proof text

method.” Jesus used proof texts when the devil tempted him in the wilderness. He said, “It is

written…” and used texts from the Old Testament to prove his position. Paul, Matthew and

other biblical writers also used this method.

Bible Studies

The Bible marking series is also an evangelistic series of Bible studies or sermons that have

been used to people for many years. The good news is that you don’t have to be a pastor to

give a Bible study — anyone can do it. It’s just helpful if you’re a believer and are able to read.

The best people to study with are those who are spiritual seekers. God often places people

in our lives who desire to find Him — friends, relatives and others. If they are interested

in having Bible studies, why not offer to study with them? You can use this study set with

them. Simply print each study on your home computer and printer, and give a copy to each

student. Study a new topic each week.

A simple Bible study format is to open with prayer, introduce the lesson, conduct the study

(around 40 minutes at most) and use the simple appeal question at the end of each study for

the student to respond to, before closing with a commitment prayer.

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